Thursday, October 22, 2015

Loss Weight Like Crazy - Drink These 3 Smoothies for Breakfast

Excess body fat causes heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver, and a higher threat of early cancer. Foods rich in fiber remain you full for longer, and they also help you compact with food cravings. They are the ultimate alternative for people hostile with constipation.

Protein-packed foods are great if you want to loss weight and keep your muscle gathering at the same time. They improve energy supply sufficient vigour for your every day activities.
If surplus weight is your predicament, starving yourself is the last thing you should do. As an alternative of your usual breakfast, make these super-delicious smoothies, and loss weight as you would expect.
For breakfast, each of these smoothies are unbelievable and yet as a great bite. Exact ingredients will improve your metabolism and develop your body’s aptitude to burn fat.
Follow these great recipes to help out you in your weight loss hard work:
1. Ingredients:
  • 1 banana
  • 1 orange
  • 2 tbsp almonds, crushed
  • 2 tbsp flax seeds, grounded
  • 2 fresh or dried figs
  • 1/3 cup water

Juice the orange and mix it together with the rest of the ingredients until soft and creamy. Always drink it fresh.
Note: If you are using dehydrated figs, marinate them in water for half an hour before using them.
2. Ingredients:
  • 1 cup raspberries
  • 1 apple
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tbsp flax seeds, grounded
Mix together all the ingredients until smooth. Drink it fresh.
Note: If you are using organic apples, do not peel them.
3. Ingredients:
  • 2 kiwi fruits
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 apple
  • 1 orange
  • 1 tbsp flax seeds, grounded
  • 1 tbsp hazelnuts, grounded
Mix everything together until smooth. Drink your smoothie fresh.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Scientific Evidence Reveals "Fountain of Youth" Formula

Scientists have targeted a very powerful hormone responsible for human growth and cell regeneration that, once harnessed, has all the properties of a bona fide "fountain of youth."
It's known as "Human Growth Hormone" and it's an extremely important part of our body's functioning at the cellular level.

In fact, not only does HGH promote the growth and regeneration of cells; it also allows other vital functions in our bodies to occur, including...
  • Metabolism
  • Brain function
  • Sexual responses
  • Healing
  • Muscle growth
... and more.
However, as we age we experience a drop in HGH levels. All the normal results of aging occur in direct correlation to this drop in HGH.
For years, we've simply assumed that this is a natural part of the aging process. And we assumed there was nothing we could do about it.
But after a great deal of scientific research and clinical trials, we now know: We were wrong!

The Benefits of HGH

In study after study, the benefits of HGH are clear - and they are impressive.
HGH has been proven to have far-reaching effects, including all of the following:
  • Wrinkle disappearance
  • Improved overall life outlook
  • Exercise tolerance
  • New hair growth
  • Healing capacity
  • Skin elasticity
  • Back flexibility
  • Muscle size
  • Body fat loss
  • Sexual function, sexual potency/frequency
  • Improved cognition and memory
  • Stabilize your moods
  • Lower your blood pressure
... And more!

But How Does It Work?

In simplified terms, HGH is basically like sipping from a fountain of youth. When HGH levels are increased in your body, you literally turn back the clock to rediscover a more youthful you.
For example, here are a few of the benefits of HGH, with a quick explanation of HOW this little hormone can have such dramatic effects:
  • Weight loss

    HGH can help you lose weight easily, and here's why: When you increase the levels of HGH in your body, you increase your metabolism (or metabolic rate). This means your body can process nutrients faster and more efficiently, which leads to rapid - and effortless - weight loss.
  • Improved memory

    HGH can also help to improve your failing memory by rejuvenating the cells in your brain. With increased cellular health, your cognitive function (awareness, thinking, and memory) are improved.
  • Increased skin elasticity

    The cell-regenerating properties of HGH mean that time can literally be turned back, reducing those fine lines and wrinkles and giving your skin the elasticity and healthy glow of your youth.
  • Increased sex drive

    One of the biggest benefits of HGH is that it can directly impact your waning sex drive. As we age, our libido naturally drops - for some people, severely. There are a number of factors that cause this, including hormones, skin sensitivity, blood pressure, and more.
    HGH improves all the key functions required to regain a vigorous, healthy sex life.
The many benefits of HGH are astounding. Treatment, however, is a little tricky. Let's have a look at some of the treatment options for HGH.

Treatment Options for HGH Therapy

Traditionally, patients in need of Human Growth Hormone treatments had to subject themselves to a course of multiple injections of HGH from the pituitary glands of cadavers.
While this treatment option was effective (if somewhat ghoulish), there were two major drawbacks:
  1. The benefits of HGH injections were only temporary, so the injection therapy had to be repeated over and over.
  2. The treatment was very expensive - adding up to tens of thousands of dollars per year.
For the average person suffering the ravages of aging, this form of treatment simply wasn't an option.
Another option that became available was to orally ingest human growth hormone. However, the molecular size of HGH and its incompatibility with the digestive system means that taking HGH by mouth simply doesn't work.
But a recent scientific breakthrough has made HGH accessible to everyone. The new method of treatment is not actually using human growth hormone itself.
Instead, it's a complex blend of proteins, amino acids, herbs, and other nutrients specially formulated to help stimulate your body to produce its own HGH.
The formula targets the anterior pituitary gland, causing it to produce and secrete more HGH into your body. The result is that your body's systems begin to improve and function like that of a much younger person.
To find out more about how you can stimulate the production of HGH in your body and combat wrinkles, muscle loss, weight gain, and a lagging libido today, go to

Thursday, July 9, 2015

4 Correct Time of Drinking Water

4 Correct Time of Drinking Water at the Maximize its Effectiveness on the Human Body.

1. Drinking 2 glasses of water in the morning helps activate internal organs.

2. Drinking 1 glass of water before a meal will help in digestion.

3. Drinking 1 glass of water before taking a shower helps prevent high blood pressure.

4. Drinking a glass of water before bed helps prevent strokes or heart attack.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

5 Simple Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

How to lower blood pressure with several natural methods and practises that are much safer, cheaper and effective?

Some of the common natural blood pressure control methods include changing your diet, reducing stress, stop smoking, dropping your alcohol intake and eating salt-free foods. Some vitamin supplements and natural herbs also work well in controlling blood pressure.

Using such methods not only treats the source, but also improves every portion of one’s health.

People with High blood pressure or hypertension are more in danger to stroke and heart attack. Life can also be awfully uncomfortable when the situation is not appropriately inhibited.
Most people rely on prescription medications to supervise high blood pressure. They are unaware of the fact that these drugs are often times artificial and can be very risky.

The use of drugs to control blood pressure is usually not helpful on the long time as it only works on the external symptoms instead of treating the actual root. The drugs can also involve the body organs. For example, some drugs are known to cause liver injure.

The following natural methods can help you lower the blood pressure. The methods are also cost-effective and safer than use of medical drugs.

   1. Physical Exercise

Having a standard exercise will go a long way into protecting you from the tedious risks of high blood pressure. A daily 30 – minute walk will work just right, for those who don’t like the daily gym routines. Walking will also help you speed up metabolism and burn the extra calories.

   2. Make Stress Management

Make stress management a main concern. Learn some special breathing, meditation and muscle relaxation techniques. Supervise and make sure you keep your ideal body weight. Being overweight not only raises the blood pressure but can also cause other deadly health risks.
Doing these simple things right will keep you away from taking the prescription drugs, help you lower the rising blood pressure and immensely improve your overall health.

   3. Quit Smoking

Smoking can cause constraint of the blood vessels, raising the blood pressure. If you smoke, you are advised to stop as early as possible. Given the fact that smoking is addictive, it can be hard to stop immediately. One should look for direction from groups and agencies that are eager to offer help on how to overcome nicotine addiction.

   4. Eating The Right Foods

On dieting, eat the right foods. Cut down your eating of blank caloric foods. Intake of foods high in sodium and those with high saturated fat content should also be reduced. Healthy eating will go a long way into lowering your blood pressure. Fast foods and processed foods fall in this category and thus, should be replaced with a healthier diet of fruits and vegetables.

   5. Keep Your Alcohol Drinking On The Low

Too much alcohol drinking raises blood pressure finally. The suggested alcohol limit is 21 units and 14 units per week, for men and women respectively.

A unit is equivalent to a small glass of wine, half a pint of beer or a single pub measure of spirits. Keeping to the right alcohol limits will help maintain your blood pressure down.

>> Healthy Living Everyday <<

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Benefits of Yoga

Yoga has become an increasingly popular form of exercise in the United States which developed in India thousands of years ago. Yoga delivers many benefits to those who incorporate it into their everyday lives.  

Yoga is a healing system of theory and practice. The purpose of yoga is to create strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body.  Yoga is a great tool for staying healthy because it is based on similar ideology. 
While there are more than one hundred different types, or schools, of yoga, most sessions are typically comprised of breathing exercises, meditation, and assuming postures(sometimes called asana or poses) that stretch and flex various muscle groups.

Benefits of Yoga

The relaxation techniques incorporated in yoga can decrease constant pain, such as lower back pain, arthritis, headaches and carpal tunnel syndrome. Yoga can also lower blood pressure and reduce insomnia.

Other physical benefits include:
·         Increased muscle strength and tone
·         Increased flexibility
·         The maintenance of a balanced metabolism
·         Improved athletic performance
·         Improved respiration, energy and vitality
·         Weight reduction
·         Protection from injury
·         Cardio and circulatory health
Aside from the array of physical benefits, one of the best benefits of yoga is how it helps a person manage stress, which has been recognized to have devastating effects on the body and mind. Stress can reveal itself in many ways, including back or neck pain, sleeping trouble, headaches, drug abuse, and an inability to focus. Yoga can be very effective in developing coping skills and reaching a more positive outlook on life. 

Yoga’s incorporation of meditation and breathing help a person improve his/her mental well-being. Regular yoga practice creates mental clarity and calmness; increases body awareness; relieves chronic stress patterns; relaxes the mind; centers attention; and sharpens concentration. Body and self-awareness, in particular, are very beneficial, because it can help with early detection of physical problems or ailments and allow for early preventive action.
Because there are so many different kinds of yoga practices, it is possible for anyone to start. Whether you’re a couch potato or a professional athlete, size and fitness levels do not matter because there are modifications for every yoga pose and beginner classes in every style. The idea is to explore your limits, not strive for some pretzel-like perfection.
Yoga can be practiced to improve overall health, to improve balance, to cure and prevent injuries, to strengthen muscles and to open the body for meditation. It is a vast way to get in tune with your body and your inner self. Yoga's rising popularity is proof that many people value an exercise system that engages the mind, body and spirit in identical gauge. If you've never done yoga before, give it a try and see what it can do for you. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Want to lose a pound of fat?

A pound of fat is 3,500 calories.  Want to lose a pound of fat?  Then you'll need to be 3,500 calories in the hole.  Five pounds of fat? Make that 17,500 calories.  It's the EASIEST math in the world.

Unfortunately, drastic reductions in calorie intake only cause the body to fight back against your dieting efforts, shutting down metabolism and holding on to body fat as a starvation protection mechanism.

Enter the rapid fat loss Catch-22:  You can't lose fat fast without quickly creating a massive calorie deficit, and you simply can't create a massive calorie deficit quickly without your body shifting in to starvation mode and rate-limiting your fat loss.

Completely Transform Your Body To Look Your Best Ever

To lose weight, you need to focus on three areas, motivation, food and exercise. By ignoring any of these areas, you will not be as successful or reach your potential.

The Carb Solution Plan

Diet Tips:

1) If you are going to a party or out to eat with friends, take psyllium fiber pills beforehand. The pills, available at health food stores and in some grocery stores, help keep you full longer.
Exercise Rule:

The plan includes three meals and two snacks per day, alternating a high-carb plan one day with a low-carb plan the next. 
The average woman consumes about 1,200 calories per day on a low-carb day, 1,500 calories per day on a high-carb day and up to 2,400 calories per day on a cheat day while following the plan.
The average man is allowed 1,500 calories per day on a low-carb day, 2,000 calories on a high-carb day and up to 3,000 calories on a cheat day.
Three tips to help curb hunger and keep you on track.
2) Chew sugarless mint gum to curb cravings and distract yourself from eating more food.
3) Add a flavor packet to your water to enjoy the taste, while cutting the hundreds of calories found in regular fruit juice.

Completely Transform Your Body To Look Your Best Ever


Exercise Rule:

To maximize fat and calorie burn follow this 3-2-1 plan to expel your swell.
3 Minutes Low Intensity – You can maintain a conversation and are breathing easily.
2 Minutes Moderate Intensity – You can still maintain a conversation but your breathing is heavy.
1 Minute High Intensity – You are breathing heavily and you can’t hold a conversation longer than three words.

Completely Transform Your Body To Look Your Best Ever

How to Loss Weight With Yoga?

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Happy Mother's Day 2015

Replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts and positive beliefs

Recent studies show that 80-Percent of our thoughts 
are negative. And as we get older that number will 
raise to 90-Percent! 

That means most of your thoughts are functioning against you. 
They're not helping you create the life you want. 

If you hang on to your negative thinking life will get 
worse, much worse and it will keep getting worse 

As your negative thoughts and negative beliefs get 
stronger they destroy your power. 
These negative thoughts and negative beliefs 
strength your power to take you more struggle, 
more pain and more complications. 

So get rid of the negative thinking. 
Get rid of the negative and limiting beliefs. 
There's really no need for them. 
Remove them from your mind and subconscious mind 
and you'll enjoy a better, happier and more rewarding life. 
You'll breakthrough to success and get what you want in life. 

Once you get rid of those negative thoughts and beliefs 
you'll put an end to the struggle and pain. 
You'll make more money, meet the right people, believe in yourself, get that great job or grow your business, make the right choices and you'll enjoy life. 

You are a powerful person. You have tremendous power. 
You can use your power to create and bring you 
what ever you want in life - you just have to know 
how to direct and apply that power. 

If you're not enjoying the life you want, not getting what you want in life, feel like you're constantly struggling, failing or going through setback after setback 
then you don't have your power working for you, 
Instead your power is working against you. 

Now you can change that and get your power 
working for you - so that you get what you want 
and so that you live the life you want. 

Wishing you remarkable success 

Friday, May 8, 2015

The Power of Subconscious Mind

Your mind only creates what you think and believe. 
It just follows your thoughts and beliefs. 

That power is your subconscious mind. 

You can control and direct this power to bring you 
what you want by controlling what you think and believe. 

Think and believe that it's hard to make money and 
you'll always find it hard to make money. 
Think and believe that it's easy to make money and 
you'll find easy ways to make money. 

The choice is yours. 

So starting today you get rid of those negative thoughts, 
the kind that say you can't, or that you don't know how, 
or that you're not good enough... 
Starting today you get your powers and your 
subconscious mind working for you so that life gets 
better, easier and you have more time 
to do what you want when you want 
Starting today you put an end to the struggle 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Negative thinking destroys your life

Control Your Subconscious Mind 

You want to succeed, you want to make more money, you want to get a better job, meet the 
right person, grow your business... you just want a better life, and you deserve to have a better life, you deserve to have everything you want. 

But that negative thinking gets in the way. 

Negative thinking destroys your life. It blocks your success. It gets you down and makes you feel like you can't get ahead, and can't get what you want. 

You need to get rid of negative thinking. The sooner the better. 

Negative thinking doesn't help. 
You don't need negative thinking. But like a bad cold, you just can't seem to get rid of the negative thinking. 

It makes your life more complicated. 
Negative thinking blocks your success. It brings you more pain, more stress more struggle Life will only get worse the longer you hang on to any negative thinking. 

You want more, but you think you can't have more that you can't have what you want, that you 
don't know what to do or how to get what you want. You think you're not smart enough or not good enough... and that's all negative thinking. 

That's exactly the kind of negative thinking that blocks your success. 

You have to get rid of it. You have to remove the negative thinking. 

You start by getting rid of one negative thought, changing one negative thought to a positive thought. Then you get rid of another and another one until they're all gone or have been replaced. 

When you hear yourself saying or thinking that you can't do something - tell yourself that you can. 

When you hear yourself saying that you don't know how - tell yourself that you do know how. 

You go one step at a time. 

At first your mind will fight back. Those negative thoughts will seem too strong. That's because they're attached to negative beliefs. So you have to get rid of the negative thoughts and the negative beliefs. Then you'll free your subconscious mind of all then negative and negative patterns that its been following. 

Your subconscious creates your life based on your thoughts and beliefs. 

Negative thinking leads to negative beliefs which leads to a negative and complicated life. 
You have to get rid of the negative thoughts, and the negative beliefs. 

Change them with positive thoughts and positive beliefs. Then your power and your subconscious will generate positive situations. The sooner you start the better. Get rid of the negative thinking that blocks your success and creates more depression. Give your subconscious and your powers new commands so that they take you what you want. So that you make more money, have more time, get that great job, meet the right person, boost your 
self-confidence and begin enjoying your life today