Friday, May 22, 2015

Want to lose a pound of fat?

A pound of fat is 3,500 calories.  Want to lose a pound of fat?  Then you'll need to be 3,500 calories in the hole.  Five pounds of fat? Make that 17,500 calories.  It's the EASIEST math in the world.

Unfortunately, drastic reductions in calorie intake only cause the body to fight back against your dieting efforts, shutting down metabolism and holding on to body fat as a starvation protection mechanism.

Enter the rapid fat loss Catch-22:  You can't lose fat fast without quickly creating a massive calorie deficit, and you simply can't create a massive calorie deficit quickly without your body shifting in to starvation mode and rate-limiting your fat loss.

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To lose weight, you need to focus on three areas, motivation, food and exercise. By ignoring any of these areas, you will not be as successful or reach your potential.

The Carb Solution Plan

Diet Tips:

1) If you are going to a party or out to eat with friends, take psyllium fiber pills beforehand. The pills, available at health food stores and in some grocery stores, help keep you full longer.
Exercise Rule:

The plan includes three meals and two snacks per day, alternating a high-carb plan one day with a low-carb plan the next. 
The average woman consumes about 1,200 calories per day on a low-carb day, 1,500 calories per day on a high-carb day and up to 2,400 calories per day on a cheat day while following the plan.
The average man is allowed 1,500 calories per day on a low-carb day, 2,000 calories on a high-carb day and up to 3,000 calories on a cheat day.
Three tips to help curb hunger and keep you on track.
2) Chew sugarless mint gum to curb cravings and distract yourself from eating more food.
3) Add a flavor packet to your water to enjoy the taste, while cutting the hundreds of calories found in regular fruit juice.

Completely Transform Your Body To Look Your Best Ever


Exercise Rule:

To maximize fat and calorie burn follow this 3-2-1 plan to expel your swell.
3 Minutes Low Intensity – You can maintain a conversation and are breathing easily.
2 Minutes Moderate Intensity – You can still maintain a conversation but your breathing is heavy.
1 Minute High Intensity – You are breathing heavily and you can’t hold a conversation longer than three words.

Completely Transform Your Body To Look Your Best Ever

How to Loss Weight With Yoga?