Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Medical Proof Behind HGH Therapy

The Medical Proof Behind HGH Therapy...

The influence of HGH on hair, skin, muscle, brain function and sexual health has been very well researched and documented in medical and scientific journals and books:
Dr. Steven Lamm, MD - I would wholeheartedly recommend GenF20 Plus to anyone who wants to naturally increase their HGH levels and improve their overall health
Dr. Steven Lamm, M.D.
"Throughout my career as a doctor, researcher and author, I am constantly investigating new solutions and supplements that I can share with my patients to help them improve the quality of their life as they age, and that is why I want to introduce you to GenF20 Plus, a powerful, all-natural human growth hormone releaser.
You see as people age, your production and supply of this very important hormone, called the human growth hormone, dramatically drops off, resulting in a decrease in muscle mass, increase in belly fat, saggy skin and wrinkles, along with many other unpleasant side effects associated with aging.
That is why GenF20 Plus is such a powerful solution to combat the inevitable aging process. It was formulated to help stimulate your body to produce its own human growth hormone to help return your HGH levels to what they were at their peak.
And by stimulating the body to produce its own HGH, you support smoother, younger looking skin, increased metabolism and faster weight loss, more sound, satisfying sleep, consistent higher energy and mental alertness and stronger sex drive and better sexual response.
As a doctor, I am very critical of many of the natural anti-aging products available today. But I would wholeheartedly recommend GenF20 Plus to anyone who wants to naturally increase their HGH levels and improve their overall health as they age."
Dr. Jeff Hill, DPT, MA, CSCS - I highly recommend this product to my patients/athletes.
Dr. Jeff Hill, DPT, MA, CSCS
"I was recently introduced to your product GenF20 and have seen great results with my patients using it. I am often asked for nutritional product recommendations and highly recommend this product to my patients/ athletes. This product is beneficial for both athletes and patients undergoing rehab to enhance their full rehab potential."
Dr. Anna Lepeley - I highly recommend this product to my patients.
Anna Lepeley, PhD, CSCS, CISSN
An exercise and nutrition expert with an extensive background in exercise/nutrition biochemistry and the science behind libido-enhancing supplements/ingredients. Anna holds a doctorate in Exercise Biochemistry research from Trident University and specializes in the physiological and biomechanical aspects behind libido and physical sexual performance, respectively, and their manipulation through diet, supplementation, exercise and overall lifestyle factors.
Anna also holds a Master's and Bachelor's degree in Exercise Physiology from Florida International University. Anna has been analyzing research and scientific literature examining the sexual arousal potential influenced by nutraceutical and dietary supplements for over eight years.
As a keynote speaker, Anna has presented at numerous conferences, dispelling the myths behind purported aphrodisiacs and ingredients of libido-enhancement products. Anna has also worked for libido-enhancing supplement companies, legitimizing the ingredients with scientific research and translating the mechanism behind ingredients' efficacy for general populations.
Can Take A Decade Or More Off Your Face!
"Growth hormone is the only anti-aging treatment known that actually makes people look younger.
Even creams and lotions that contain antioxidants like vitamins E, A, or C, retinoic acid, or fruit acids... do not stop the skin from sagging and sinking. [Only] growth hormone therapy can take a decade or more off your face."

Dr. Ronald Klatz

President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

in his book "Grow Young With HGH" (p. 116)

Effectively Turned Back The Clock 10-20 Years!
"The effects of six months of human growth hormone on lean body mass and adipose-tissue were equivalent in magnitude to the changes incurred during 10-20 years of aging."

Daniel Rudman, M.D., in the New England Journal of Medicine

An Attractive Alternative To Injections!
"Some of these compounds are orally active, they could offer attractive alternatives to recombinant human growth hormone (hGH) in treating GH disorders such as growth hormone deficiency (GHD)age-related conditions, obesity and catabolic conditions."

Michael Ankersen, et al.

Drug Discovery Today, Volume 4, Issue 11, 1

November 1999, Pages 497-506

It May Reverse Some Of The Effects Of Aging!
"It is possible that chronic physiologic GH and/or IGF-I replacement therapy might reverse (or prevent) some of these 'inevitable' [effects] of aging."

V. A. Medical Center and Department of Medicine

Stanford University Medical Center

Study of GH therapy in the elderly - March 1992

Improvements In Overall Quality Of Life!
Dr. Chein of the Life Extension Institute studied 202 patients that he treated with HGH. Patients reported improvement in the following areas:
  • Healing of other injuries 61%
  • Wrinkle disappearance 61%
  • Overall life outlook 78%
  • Emotional stability 67%
  • Exercise tolerance 81%
  • New hair growth 38%
  • Healing capacity 71%
  • Skin thickness 68%
  • Skin elasticity 71%
  • Back flexibility 83%
  • Muscle size 81%
  • Body fat loss 82%
  • Hot flashes 58%
  • Memory 62%
  • Menstrual cycle regulation 39%
  • Duration of penile erection 62%
  • Resistance to common illness 73%
  • Skin & hair care, skin texture 71%
  • Strength & body fat, muscle strength 88%
  • Energy, emotions & memory, energy level 84%
  • Sexual function, sexual potency/frequency 75%
Beneficial For Metabolism And Psychological Well Being!
"Replacement therapy with Growth Hormone has shown beneficial/normalizing effect on parameters such as cardiac and renal function, thyroid hormone metabolism, bone metabolism, sweat secretion, total and regional fuel metabolism and psychological well being."

Dr. Jorgensen and Dr. Christian of Copenhagen, Denmark

European Journal of Endocrinology, 1994

HGH Promotes Speedy Recovery From Trauma!
"Daily administration of human growth hormone in the first week after trauma would enhance the metabolic status... resulting in reduced morbidity and earlier discharge from hospital."

Drs. Ramias, Shamos, & Schiller of St. Joseph Hospital Medical Center, Phoenix,

AZ: May 1992, Journal of Surgery. Vol 111, 495-502

No Evidence to Suggest Unfavorable Long-term Side Effects!
"There is no evidence suggesting that Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy causes any unfavorable long term side effects."

Dr. Rosen, M.D. and Dr. G. Johannsson, M.D. of University Hospital,

Goteborg, Sweden: Hormone Research, 1995

May Help To Decrease Appetite!
"Intermittent treatment with recombinant hGH for a week significantly decreased food consumption, adipose tissue weight and plasma triglyceride concentrations in the TG rats. These results suggest that, in the TG rats, insufficiency in circulating GH stimulates the ghrelin-NPY system with a resultant increase in food intake."

Hozumi H, et al.; The University of Tokyo, Japan.

J Vet Med Sci. 2006 Sep;68(9):959-65

HGH Secretagogues May Improve Physical Function!
"In healthy older adults at risk for functional decline, administration of the oral [HGH secretagogues] may improve body composition and physical function."

Effects of an Oral Growth Hormone Secretagogue in Older Adults

White et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.2009; 0: jc.2008-0632v1

Could Prolong Patients Ability To Live Independently!
"Replacing GH, or stimulating GH with GH-releasing hormone or a GH secretagogue could confer benefits in normal aging... in particular, could reduce the loss of muscle mass, strength, and exercise capacity leading to frailty, thereby prolonging the ability to live independently.
... Preliminary reports of improved cognition are encouraging..."

Hersch EC, Merriam GR.

Clin Interv Aging. 2008;3(1):121-9.

Secretagogues Could Rejuvenate GH and IGF-1 Levels!
"The aging GH/IGF-I axis decline could be rejuvenated by GHS [Growth Hormone Secretagogue] treatment."

Frutos MG, et al. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab.

2007 Nov; 293(5):E1140-52.

HGH Is Important In The Development Of Muscle Strength!
"Indirect evidence suggests that GH are of importance in developing muscle strength because young adults with GH deficiency have reduced muscle mass and strength."

Lancet 1989; i: 1221-1225

"Beneficial effect of growth hormone treatment in GH-deficient adults."

HGH Deficiencies Result In Abnormal Increases In Body Fat!
"Untreated elderly GH-deficient adults have an abnormal increase in body fat and pathological fat distribution compared with normal elderly subjects."

J Clin Endocrinol 1996;45:399-405

HGH Replacement Increases Lean Body Mass!
"Short-term GH replacement in elderly patients increases LBM [lean body mass] and decreases fat mass."

J Clin Endocrinol 1996;45:399-405

Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2005;62:105-113

Quality Of Life Was Improved!
"GH therapy improved the QOL [quality of life] similarly in elderly GH-deficient patients and younger counterparts."

Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2000;53:281-289

Ready to start experiencing the anti-aging benefits of increased HGH levels yourself with the help of GenF20 Plus?

The GenF20 Plus™ Triple-Advantage SYSTEM

The GenF20 Plus™  Triple-Advantage SYSTEM
The GenF20 Plus™  Triple-Advantage SYSTEM

The GenF20 Plus™ Triple-Advantage SYSTEM Helps Erase Years Off Your Face & Body With...

1... 2... 3 Powerful Age-Defying Advantages!

GenF20 Plus contains a propriety combination of amino acids, nutrients, and peptides -- all scientifically proven to kick-start your pituitary gland and encourage your body to safely and naturally restore the HGH levels of your youth.

GenF20 Plus Daily Supplement

The foundation of the GenF20 Plus™ Triple-Advantage SYSTEM is the #1 rated, doctor-endorsed daily supplement...
A potent "HGH Releaser" that you take twice daily.
Within as little as 3 weeks, you can expect to feel the anti-aging effects as this proprietary formulation begins working to kick-start your pituitary gland to begin releasing more HGH...
... Encouraging your body to safely and naturally restore your HGH to more youthful levels!
So again, no injections of synthetic HGH are required.
A Box of GenF20Plus Human Growth Hormone ReleaserYet you enjoy benefits that include:
  • A more youthful appearance
  • Increased muscle tone
  • Fat loss
  • Increased metabolism
  • A super-charged sex drive
  • Boundless energy
  • A strengthened immune system
... And much more!
Ingredients include a potent combination of amino acids, nutrients & peptides -- all known for their HGH boosting effects, including L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, L-Glycine, Colostrum, Anterior Pituitary Powder**, and more!
Click here now to get complete details of this powerful formulation!

The Oral Spray With Alpha GPC

Want to really kick-start your production of HGH again?
Use the GenF20 Plus™ Oral Spray daily, in conjunction with the Daily Supplement!
This potent HGH secretogogue in oral spray has been formulated to include a complementary blend of amino acid compounds and botanical agents including the clinically proven HGH booster “Alpha GPC.”
GenF20 Oral Spray helps to kick your production of Human Growth HormoneBenefits of Alpha GPC reported in clinical studies include:
  • Increases secretion of HGH by the Anterior Pituitary
  • Enhances the effects of other hormones produced by Anterior Pituitary
  • Improves mental focus and cognitive function (by enhancing the synthesis of phosphatidyl choline)
  • Increases strength-training results during workouts
  • Improves fat removal from the liver (to help prevent obesity, diabetes, and damage from alcohol consumption)
  • Works synergistically with vitamins B12, B6, SAMe, and folic acid to reduce risk of heart disease, stroke, deep vein thrombosis, gout, and Alzheimer’s.
Other known HGH boosters included in GenF20 Plus™ Oral Spray are GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid), Mucuna Pruriens (seed), Moomiyo Extract, Ornithine Alpha Ketoglutarate, L-Glutamine, L-Aginine, L-Lysine, L-Valine, L-Isoeucine, L-Trysince, and Glycine.
Take 6 sprays orally every day in conjunction with your GenF20 Plus Daily Supplement for maximum effectiveness!

The Enteric Absorption System

Absorption plays a critical role in the effectiveness of any supplement. If the ingredients are never absorbed into your blood stream the product will be useless.
So when using high quality HGH releaser like GenF20 Plus™, you want to ensure the highest level of absorption to experience maximum results.
GenF20 Plus Pils are an all natural product, made to the highest pharmaceutical standardsThat is why GenF20 Plus™ uses an Enteric Coating to ensure that the key ingredients are protected from stomach acid and make it to the small intestine where maximum absorption occurs.
Enteric coating is traditionally employed with expensive pharmaceutical medications, but it is rarely seen in a nutritional supplement like GenF20 Plus™.
In fact, some experts believe that in non enteric coated products the absorption is only 10-15% due to damage from gastric juices and enzymes in the stomach whereas...
Enteric coated products enjoy
absorption that's close to 80-90%
... Resulting in a much more effective product!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

THE VENUS FACTOR …. Weight loss plan

A rapid weight loss system

A rapid weight loss, body shaping, toning and conditioning system with a difference. The difference is – it works!
You may not want to work out. You may just want to lose weight and look great. Good. Venus is still for you!
That’s because it’s designed specifically for women. Even better, it’s designed specifically for YOUR NEEDS. That’s right – it’s tailored to your specific goals, requirements and objectives.
The Venus Factor Diet has been invented by diet and fitness expert John Barban, specifically for women that are looking to shift excess weight and typically have been on the diet treadmill for years with no long-term success.
He says that his system, which has been finely tuned and tested on real women, “has nothing to do with silly exercise machines, cardio, restrictive or pre-packaged diets, or whatever weird berry pill the diet industry is talking about these days.
In fact, it’s based on calorie deficits and maintenance, i.e. eating fewer calories than you expend on 5 or 6 days per week, and more on your maintenance days, to kick start your metabolism. But unlike many diets, this is carefully crafted to get your body used to a maintenance amount of calories (i.e. to maintain your weight) so you don’t end up piling it all back on.
how does the Venus Factor Diet help?
Barban has discovered a system that ‘resets’ the body and the leptin levels, effectively re-wiring it to its most effective fat burning state. He calls this the ‘metabolic override’, and views it as a way to work WITH your body for weight loss, rather than AGAINST it, “so your fat loss process becomes simple, and even ENJOYABLE”!
He has designed it to work with our hormones, which as we know are very different from men’s. His system, he tells us, promises:
·                                 High energy levels
·                                 No cravings for ‘forbidden’ foods
·                                 No weight loss plateaus
·                                 A boosted metabolism
·                                 Permanent fat loss from female problem areas like stomach, hips, butt and thighs 
He also explains which foods we regularly eat that we think are healthy, that actually jeopardize our weight loss efforts, such as sugar, sweeteners and soy products (see the section below on foods).

How long does the Venus Factor program last?
The diet is 12 weeks but with the variety of exercises, you may find yourself doing them for many weeks afterwards. Many of the Venus Factor converts are committed to the program for life. It’s very easy to fit in 30 minutes a day and the energy buzz afterwards will have you hooked.
Foods recommend by the Venus Factor Diet
The diet is healthy and has restrictions for either 5 or 6 days (1000 kcals for me), which in turn lowers leptin levels and slows fat-burning potential, so each week women are given a one or two ‘cheat days’, when you’ll eat the calories you would if you were maintaining your weight (1700 kcals for me) . The cheat days are designed to rev up the metabolism again and fool the body that it is on a weight or fat loss journey, and every month you change the focus of the ‘cheat’ – one month it’s protein, one month it’s fat, one month it’s carbs.
And are you hungry on this diet? Well, if you’re used to eating a lot then you’ll find it hard. However, with John’s innovative “willpower depletion” idea, he advises you to fast overnight for 12, 14 or 16 hours, as long as you can, as you have a lot more willpower in the mornings. Save your coffee until mid-morning, your breakfast until lunch etc, and you’ll find it easy to stick to the low calorie diet.
Good about the Venus Diet Factor
·                                 Very cost-effective at just $47 (although I would expect this to rise in the near future)
·                                 Targets women’s issues such as hormones, leptin resistance and weight loss plateaus
·                                 Easy to follow, with a ‘cheat’ day or two to boost our metabolism (and keep us happy!)
·                                 Prepares us for post-Venus so we won’t pile back on the weight
·                                 Community of thousands to help when you need advice, motivation or just a bit of fun
·                                 Re-wires the body and ‘overrides’ our low fat burning potential
·                                 Fat loss from targeted problem areas such as butt, thighs, belly or waist
·                                 Targets cellulite far better than many exercise programs do
·                                 60 day money-back guarantee if you don’t enjoy it or don’t get the results you were after
·                                 Prompt individual service, my question was replied to within 12 hours

·                                 Low calories diet for 5 days can be difficult to follow, even with cheat days
·                                 You have to provide the gym equipment – weights or bars, stability ball etc
·                                 It doesn’t come with a calorie tracker
·                                 It’s incredibly sales-y – I know people that didn’t even make it through Barban’s video because of the selling technique (they’ve since bought it on my recommendation, but may not have done otherwise)
·                                 You’ll start to receive quite a lot of emails after you sign up, some are interesting but if you’re short of time, you may not appreciate them all! I send them to a folder to read later, on a Sunday when the kids are doing their homework!


People saying about the Venus Factor Diet
There are comments from authorities such as integrated nutritionist & physician, Dr Hollowell, who said “I’ve never reviewed a nutrition plan so perfectly catered for the female metabolism and hormonal environment to encourage quick, sustainable fat loss.”
International best-selling fat loss author and fitness expert, Kyle Leon, said “this truly cutting edge system has enabled hundreds of my female clients…to reach a remarkable new level of long term leanness”.
Real user opinions include:
·                                 “After doing the Venus program I realized that before I was doing almost everything wrong. I’m 50 and I’m in the best shape of my life…I have never been happier.”
·                                 “John, Brad and his team ensure you have ALL the tools you need to reach the BEST SHAPE you have ever been in your entire life.”
·                                 “Eight children in 12 years and I look and feel better than I ever have in my entire life!”
·                                 “At my age I cannot believe the shape that I am finally getting, and I owe it all to the Venus Factor program.”
·                                 “I was pretty surprised when I saw my after pictures. I didn’t think I changed so much. The transformation was amazing.”
·                                 “I lost all my post pregnancy weight which was amazing…I have never been part of an online community like this one – it is truly special.”
·                                 “[From starting Venus Factor] I never looked back and I never strayed. 6 months later, I am 50 lbs lighter.”
·                                 “I’ve never looked or felt better than I do now following the Venus lifestyle.”